Domaines -60 Jours------------------ SELECT * FROM cpanel, clients, commande WHERE cpanel.id_client = clients.ID AND id_commandeencours = commande.Id_Commande AND cpanel.info1 != 'ampirenorenouv' AND autoemail = 1 AND STATUS = 1 AND id_commandeencours > 0 AND commande.rappel = 0 AND datefin_cpanel <= '2025-05-14' and datefin_cpanel >= '2025-04-14' Domaines -30 Jours------------------ SELECT * FROM cpanel, clients, commande WHERE cpanel.id_client = clients.ID AND id_commandeencours = commande.Id_Commande AND cpanel.info1 != 'ampirenorenouv' AND autoemail = 1 AND STATUS = 1 AND id_commandeencours > 0 AND commande.rappel = 1 AND datefin_cpanel <= '2025-04-14' and datefin_cpanel >= '2025-03-30' Domaines -15 Jours------------------ SELECT * FROM cpanel, clients, commande WHERE cpanel.id_client = clients.ID AND id_commandeencours = commande.Id_Commande AND cpanel.info1 != 'ampirenorenouv' AND autoemail = 1 AND STATUS = 1 AND id_commandeencours > 0 AND commande.rappel = 2 AND datefin_cpanel <= '2025-03-30' and datefin_cpanel >= '2025-03-18' Domaines -3 Jours------------------ SELECT * FROM cpanel, clients, commande WHERE cpanel.id_client = clients.ID AND id_commandeencours = commande.Id_Commande AND cpanel.info1 != 'ampirenorenouv' AND autoemail = 1 AND STATUS = 1 AND id_commandeencours > 0 AND commande.rappel = 3 AND datefin_cpanel <= '2025-03-18' and datefin_cpanel >= '2025-03-16' Domaines Dernier Rappel---------------------- SELECT * FROM cpanel, clients, commande WHERE cpanel.id_client = clients.ID AND id_commandeencours = commande.Id_Commande AND cpanel.info1 != 'ampirenorenouv' AND autoemail = 1 AND STATUS = 1 AND id_commandeencours > 0 AND commande.rappel = 4 AND datefin_cpanel <= '2025-03-16' and datefin_cpanel >= '2025-03-15'